Friday, June 7, 2019

Deciduous and Temperate Evergreen Forest Essay Example for Free

Deciduous and restrained Evergreen Forest EssayTropical evergreen forest Tropical forests are characterized by the greatest diversity of species. They go on near the equator, within the area bounded by latitudes 23. 5 degrees N and 23. 5 degrees S. One of the major characteristics of tropical forests is their distinct seasonality winter is absent, and only deuce seasons are present (rainy and dry). Anevergreen forestis aforestconsisting entirely or mainly ofevergreentrees that retain green foliage all twelvemonth round.Such forests reign the tropics primarily asbroadleafevergreens, and intemperateandboreallatitudesprimarily asconiferousevergreens Tropical deciduous forest Deciduous means falling off at maturity or tending to fall off, and is typically used in reference totreesorshrubsthat lose theirleavesseasonally, and to the shedding of another(prenominal) plant structures such aspetalsafter flowering orfruitwhen ripe. In a more general sense, deciduous means the dropping o f a part that is no longer needed, or falling away after its purpose is finished. In plants it is the result of natural processes.Deciduous has a similar means when referring to animal parts, such as deciduousantlersindeer,1ordeciduous teeth, also known as baby teeth, in some mammals (including human children). Temperate deciduous forests Temperate deciduous forestsortemperate broad-leaf forestsare dominated by trees that lose their leaves each year. They are found in areas where warm moist summers alternate with loony winters.Mediterranean vegetation Mediterranean vegetation,any scrubby, dense vegetation composed of broad-leaved evergreen shrubs, bushes, and small trees usually less than 2. 5 m (about 8 feet) tall and growing in regions lying between 30 and 40 north and south latitudes. These regions have a climate similar to that of the Mediterranean area, which is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Around the Mediterranean Sea this vegetation is called m acchie, maquis, or garigue it is known as chaparral in southwestern North America, as blanket flora in southern Africa, and as mallee in southwestern Australia.

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